Saturday, September 1, 2007

Blades Of Glory!

We just had the weekly movie party with the kids and their friends and this week we had Blades of Glory! I made about 10 dozen really awesome oatmeal raisin cookies and 6 dozen are left...I'm certain there will be yucky tummies tomorrow morning! It was hilarious, the kids + Mike were all laughing so hard, and Harper watched the entire thing while snuggling on blankets with Jonah and Casey on the floor by the T.V. So cute. Anyway...

...we had a huge rainstorm today, they said there was a tornado that touched down about 30 miles from our house, but we're on the side of a huge mountain, so we didn't get hit thankfully. But! We did get a buttload of rain, which we needed so I guess prayers really are answered!

Tiffany went to an 80's dance with a ton of kids from the ward, and she looked so stinkin cute! I'll upload the pics tonight and let her post them on her blog. She has many stories to tell about Matt Russo who is in our ward, and who is so dang cute. He's a good kid, so that makes Mike and I happy! Oh and we told her midnight right? Yep, kid came home at 10:55. GOOD GIRL TIFF!!!

Anyway, I'm going to bed, but I'll let her blog the stories so be sure to visit her blog later!


K. H. said...


my bf doesnt want to, wtf(ruitcake)? and even after i made him watch Anchorman and he loved it!

Alli Easley said...

this isn't such a good sign...

Ashley O said...

hmmm...I think every guy I know has seen that movie! Cool guys! I saw it on the ride back to the states. Our in-flight movies were Blades of Glory and The Princess Bride. One awesome flight attendant sneaked in The Bourne Identity, Casino Royale and Over the Hedge....tee hee!!! So five freakin movies! In a row. Twas awesome. Oh and let's not forget an episode of How I Met Your Mother which p.s. i love now!!!

Anyway, I want O.R. cookies. Let's hope they were the Disney recipe...if not i still love you guys.

I want rain...I want to snuggle with the Harper. Isaac loves to snuggle so I have at least one nephew close by to do that! Yay! Famerly love.

Tiffany said...

I am going to rent that tonight,I need a little laugh or should I say BIG laugh!

Lyd said...

I need to see that movie again! It was mind bottling. I luff eat. And I miss the good ol Vegas thunder storms. They were the best. And I miss the flash flood weather...but not when it floods the Oblad's or Nelson's. hehe

K. H. said...

dont worry, i'll make him watch it and he'll love it

Lisa Mc said...

We watched that movie the other night!!! It was funny!!! I told Lindsey that Corbin can not be a peacock for halloween after seeing that movie!!! It was great to hear from you, Tiff left me a really nice note the other day. It was great to hear from her. I love blogging so I can keep up with all my friends and family. I will fix my header soon, thats for bring it to my attention.

K. H. said...