Monday, October 1, 2007

All I Know Is

Tiffany is the strongest kid I know. She's tough, she's smart, she's finishing high school a year and a half early, she lets the bad stuff roll off of her shoulders, she defends her family, she loves the Lord, she knows the truth and she prays for her enemies. And she's only 1 of 5! She's dealing with a lot of garbage, she feels like she needs to defend our family because I chose to keep my mouth shut 2 years ago. It was hard at first, but I'm good at it now. She's only 15, so it's a bit harder for her.

She just needs love and support...thankfully she has all of you guys to do that for her!

I love that girls "buns!"


Tippidy said...

thanks for putting up these pictures of me doing taichi. i will get you back ;)

Lyd said...

Just ask Liza for the Cute Teeth picture. That will make things even!

Tiff, from what you mom just said, you sound like one of the most amazing girls I know! I can't believe that you're graduating 1.5 years early! That is freakin' amazing. You go girl! Keep being strong, think positive, and I love yo guts!

Stacey said...

We heard it when we were young, but REALLY the strength of todays' youth is just amazing. I can't believe how strong some of them are. (Like your Tiff apparently) Good job.

Alli Easley said...

Lydia and Tiff, if you post the cute teeth, you both die. I promise.

Stacey, the youth today really are bombarded, and it takes a lot out of them to deflect the evils of the world...

-KJ said...

OK, I'll post it...



Tiff is tough. She has taken on more than any 15 year old should. She will only become even more amazing!

Ashley O said...

I knew back in the day when she was a baby and looked like a cute lil hatched birdie she was going to be amazing. I may have been only 8 but i knew what was up...she was like a lil sister to me...we are closer in age then i am with eliza and alli...

i love ya tons...even more than the cute teeth peecha...please post! it makes me laugh with laughter!

Tippidy said...

kjersten your comment on my blog was really nice thank you. i love you guys.

and ashalee you are totally like a sister to me. now that im big even more. i miss you terribly.

Ashley O said...

I KNOW!!! I miss you tons as well! I want to move to Cali! Do you have any extra room I could squeeze into!!!? lol

Tippidy said...

yes ash we have a guest room. and it has a big bed in it so come !!!!!!

Lyd said...

Oooo! I love the new blog decor! Were do you go to find all this cuteness!!

Alli Easley said...

Lyd, I just look for seamless tiles on any site I can, or I find a background I like then crop it in Photoshop and make the background from that!

Lyd said...

Nice. Some day, I just need to set aside some time to look for some cute stuff.

Alli Easley said...

YES YOU DO! I have a cute kitty one you can use!

shauna said...

Tiff...We love you and want the best for you. Just keep on moving forward and you will be blessed. You are a very strong girl. I have seen that in you in the past few years. You have a good friend in your mom. When she was your age, she was away from us and it was HORRIBLE. Work hard, don't sweat the small stuff and just pray for help.

We love you!!! You were the cutest little hatched birdie just like Ashley said...we loved to have you running around our house>>>

Alli Easley said...

She still is a cute little hatched baby chicken!!!

Lyd said...

Oooo! I wantie the kitties!! ;)

Alli Easley said...

Lyd, here's the url for the kitties...they're hosted on my flickr.

try it!

Lyd said...

Yay! Will do later tonight! Can't wait! hehe

Lyd said...

Well, I couldn't wait till later tonight! Those kitties are so freakin cute! Thanks! I luff them!

Cupcake said...

so cute Lydia! SO DANG CUTE!

Ashley O said...

love me the krackhead kitties!!!

yay! i want to move to cali to play with the hatched baby chicken and monkeys!

Alli Easley said...

OK SO COME!!! We will stay in Cali if you move here...

Ashley O said...

you know i will...i wonder if mom's rolled her eyes yet...tee hee!

Ashley O said...

all for the love momma!

Eliza said...

weren't we supposed to roll our eyes?

Ashley O said...

if you want to...who am i to stop ya?

shauna said...

Far be it for me to tell my kids where to live. Maybe you'll have to come and see dad and I in North you all can roll your eyes.

Taylor said...

My butt cheeks NC. Freezing cold winters, possible hurricane summers, and Duke University. "Could it get any worse?" exclaimed Chanandeler Bong.

Ashley O said...

lol chanandler bong! Um Taylor pretty much said it all....where did NC come from anyway? I would have pictured like Panaca or something! do it! i dare you!

Alli Easley said...

would her living in California by us reaaaaaally be "eye rolling" worthy?

Dani said...

NC isn't all bad, yes Duke is the #1 negative, but down here in the middle of the state the winter was chilly, but not bone freezing (think North Dakota--Fargo? yeah, that's cold) I'd come visit you Shauna -- all the DAY! We could even go to DW *trembles with a look of horror*

Tiffany said...

What a great girl! With such a GREAT name! Keep up the awesome work Tiff! You are truely a sweetheart! I remember when you were just a little girl I can't believe that you are a "Young Woman",makes me feel old! Remember that you have such an awesome fam and to go to them when you need them!

Tiffany said...

By the way... I am STILL not invited to the "we aint fat"blog!

Alli Easley said...

Hey Tiff, you've been invited from day one. You must not check your email.

Tiffany said...

It doesn't let me get on?

Tiffany said...

Okay so checked my email and there isn't anything! WEIRD!

Eliza said...

you have to sign in with your user name and password as if you were signing into your own blog.