Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

All of you that know my dad know that he's an incredible man. I remember growing up and just wishing he'd come home so I could hear stories about how his day went, or who he saw at school or work, or what he learned. I remember thinking he was the most handsome man on the earth and wondering how John Travolta got the part in Grease when it absolutely should have been my dad. I remember the first space shuttle launch, waking up in the early early hours to his excited voice as he told us about what exactly was about to happen.
I remember when Princess Diana and Charles got married, he explained that this was a REAL princess...not like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty but a real live princess who was REAL royalty. I thought that everything my dad said was magical and brilliant and amazing, and I still to this very day, think the same thing about him.

If I could take any people with me on vacation, it would be my family. My dad and mom started something incredible, and without them, I wouldn't have the sisters I adore, the brother I can't get enough of and the brothers/sister in law that perfectly fit with the rest of us. I wouldn't have memories of the condo and eating otter pops while watching Wimbledon on green shag carpet, climbing to the Narrows in Zion every 3rd of July, watching the fireworks over the park by the temple grounds in St. George, "anybody want a burrito?", making spaghetti in the Gowan house, thinking aliens were going to kidnap "all the little children" aka Eliza and I when we lived in Irvine, watching lightning over the desert in Las Vegas in the Renault, him flipping his pinkie over my tiny hand when when we'd hold hands, the way he'd squeeze my hand 3 times as we walked and how I knew that meant "I love you"...I'd always answer back with 4 gentle grips..."I love you, too".

He's the best grandpa a kid could have and I have never seen a group of kids like mine who adore a man as much as they love Grandpa John.

Dad is something earned, and my dad has earned enough credit to father a million. He's supportive when it's right, he's loving when it's hard to love me, and I will never know another man as Father on this earth. I love you, Dad.


-KJ said...

Awww! I love that guy too! I like to call him Jan, that is how it sounds with my Jersy accent!
You forgot to say, "Anyone want a burrito?"

Alli Easley said...

Ooo, you gots a good Jersey accent, KJ. Also, I did forget to say "anyone want a burrito". I'll add that now!

Tori said...

What about the Olympic reenactments? Makes me smile thinking about it. I think he is a great guy too. We miss hanging out with him. (and you too) Beautifully written, by the way.

Mandy said...

that was a nice little tribute! i loved it and i love your dad to for all those same reasons! hes great!

Alli Easley said...

Oh yeah Tori, I love the re-enactments. I can't believe he did those for you and Loren, he doesn't do them for hardly anyone, seriously. There are family members who haven't seen that. I miss you too, chicka. I want to come see you so bad.

Mandy - Hug him for me while you're there, ok?

Laurie said...

Very handsome man! Tell Mike, Happy Late Fathers Day from mythots exactly. :)

Mike Easley said...

Mythots Exactly, Mythots exactly.

-KJ said...

Oh man, I LOVE that speed skater!!!!! That is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world!

Eliza said...

I love this! Thanks for making the rest of us look bad for not doing one. My computer was down anyways so that is my excuse so because I already had a better one so and I posted it 2 seconds before you did so...

Alli Easley said...

Oh did you now, Eliza? Hmm??? He doesn't read my blog anyway, so it's cool! I wonder if that guy even checks his email.

Eliza said...

Mom does so she'll show him. She is on her way home as we speak. Mom said she wants to rent a 15 seater to drive to the beach next week. She crazah-y!

Mike Easley said...

What day are you guys thinking of coming down here?