Twenty nine years ago, my mother was unpacking our things with my sister who is a year younger than I, into an apartment in Las Vegas. During this time, and on this exact day, a baby was born unto her, and he was, to put it kindly, gigantic.

Taylor Oblad was born to our family in the hottest summer I can remember and do you know why I said that? Because I used to run around in the streets with bare feet because I didn't realize that Las Vegas was a huge frying pan, waiting to sizzle my delicate California girl feet skin right off.

As he grew, so did his sense of humor. Even when he was starting to walk, he'd make our family laugh. I remember him biting the head off of some huge bug he found in the crack of the sliding glass door in our family room, and I believe he enjoyed it. He was the cutest baby you'd ever see wearing lederhosen. (please, if you are a family member with this picture, please email it to me so I may add it to this post)

Taylor was born with one eye drooping lower than the other one. I remember when he went to kindergarten, and how protective I felt seeing his cute little face going into class. It broke my heart and I still feel that ache when I think about it. I was afraid someone would tease him, and I knew that I'd have to kill them for it. When he had surgery, and had to wear a little flesh colored patch over his good eye, so his bad eye could get strong, I swear my mind and heart was occupied about 99% of my awake time just worrying that someone would tease him. He stole my heart when he was born, and he's never let it go. As far as siblings go, and the affection they can feel for eachother, mine was and still is as strong and protective as it can get. I loved that boy, and I still do.

When he was in High School and wanted to run for President, we knelt on the floor in the long tile hallway in our Gowan house, and made posters. Posters so good, they should have won awards. I just know that we tried really hard to entice the black folk into voting for him...and guess what...they did. His brutal honesty and ability to get along with anyone and everyone won everyone over. This continues today.

Tay used to sneak any food he could get his grimy little mitts on. He'd eat an entire bag of Doritos (behind furniture to "hide" no less) when he was like 3! He'd eat Jello straight out of the package...as in...dry. If mom set her diet Coke down, she'd better understand he'd drink it til there was a drop at the bottom, and then deny ever touching it. I thought that was hilarious! There were times that he and Eric would get in trouble, but I remember making them dress up like a bride and groom. Tay was the groom, and Eric was the bride. He wore my baptism dress, and they were both only like 5 and 6. I remember Susan coming in and freaking out, yelling that "you're going to make them gay Allison!" Um, Susan, I don't think that's how it works, but it was funny none the less.

Tay's always been a good dancer, and he's mastered the jazz square. Just ask him, he'll show it to ya. Oh and athletics? Not a problem. This kid is a born athlete. See?

Anyway, Tay married Mandy, who we love, and soon after, he had 2 little boys who are a perfect mix of the two of them.

Tay's the best brother, dad, uncle and friend anyone could have. Everyone loves him, especially me. You're one of my favorite people in the whole world...and I love ya. Happy Birthday!!!

(the picture above is from Taylor's 28th Birthday party last year...how time flies)
Happy Birthday J. Taylor Oblad #3
I woke up this morning and one of my first thoughts is, "It's Taylor's birthday." Happy Birthday!
You have grown so much from that 10 lb. 7oz baby. Lydia beat you by 1/2 an ounce!
I think I still have some of your presidential flair saved in a box. It was too funny to throw away. "I snort Smarties."
Some of my funniest memories are with you Tay. I love your guts, and I am so proud of you too!
Yay for birthdays!
I tried to be cool with when I ran for VP but they wouldn't let me...I'm thinking it is something you did. I mean how could they forget an Oblad. ahahahaha "I snort Smarties." They made me cut my 'slogans' off my posters...all I said was "Oblad for VP. She's like a brand new pair of pants." Thanks.
Yay for birthday. Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy. I'm so happyyyy todaiiiie!
I especially love the athlete picture. I laughed a lot out loud to myself whilst watching Federer play tennis. I love you Tayday! And I believe I can locate that lederhosen picture for you.
YAY ASH! Locate it! Also, yes, i'twas my fault they made you cut the "pants" off of your posters. What???? Stupid school.
It was "I snort pixie sticks". I am at work so I cannot comment further upon this most noble post. Later my friends, later my friends.
*Fades into darkness*
this is true it was pixie sticks. and Alli I liked it!!! and that fading makes sad thoughts. :(
i have a copy of the lederhosen picture but i think it may be in vegas at your parents house with most of our pictures. ash i could tell you exactly where it is if you want to give me a call...;)
how am i going to compete with a birthday post this good?
talk about what a good lover I am.
I love this! We share the same protective feelings for this kid. Happy Birthday Tay! Love you!
haha Taylor. Is it in the guest bedroom Mandy? Cuz that is where I was thinking.
Happy Birthday, Taylor!
Ew on the "lover" thing Tay. You're sick.
yes in taylors old room in the closet in that brown wicker basket. im pretty sure it is in there.
thanks for the suggestion babe. ;)haha
Yes, ew on the lover thing, but that is what you were going for, wasn't it.
I stand corrected. Pixie Sticks. I would go dig in my box to find the others, but I am too lazy.
BTW, this kid was trixy. He took an extra bandaid to school so he could take the one off his eye before he got there, and replace it before he got home. Genius.
and that's why he's a lawyerman. Genius runs in his family, he gets it from his eldest sister...YAY! ;)
I JUST LOVED ALL OF THIS. It was great to read what Alli had to say and of course I remember a lot more stuff, which I won't need to mention because she really hit on the great points.
We love you TAY!!!
This young chap is a game-changer. Some compare his life to that of a modern day sports figure like Kobe Bryant or Sir Michael Jordan but I propose his life is more akin to that of a legendary Greek hero such as Heracles or perhaps the great Atlas, upon who's shoulders the very weight of the world rested. Yea, this Taylor of the Oblad's walks forth from the primordial waters of San Diego as an archetypal figure, like the first whale that ventured forth upon land and sparked fire upon the hillside with its agile fin hands. We salute you Mr. Oblad...America salutes you with all her might.
Okay, first of all it kind of makes me afraid that my kid shares this day. But it kind of makes me happy too, if he can suceed as you have Tay I will be happy. You were always a great friend to me, and I thank you for that. I mean you were the one to get me to follow the prophet and take out my second hole earings. Happy Birthday Old Chum!!!
And Mandy if you post about the lover thing, would you be so kind as to let me know so I NEVER read it. Thanks!!!
Allie, I think that is so cool how much you love your brother.
wow mike. I am lost for words....because you took them all. Literally. I mean archetypal? yeah. you even used that up.
I'll go search for the pic tomorrow when there the sun is ouuuut.
Oh whatever. I remember when he peed his pants in the first grade. Wait, so did I. Bye.
haha I love every bit of it. You're my favorite Oblad manly cousin eva! ;)
Mike, you're a genius, that's why you married one i guess.
And I could send you the lederhosen picture of Eric and you could just Photoshop Tay's face in there instead, If you're like.
And I love every single one of those pictchas.
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