Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's A Weird Thursday Already

The older mexican guys who take care of our yard are outside right now and I just heard one of them singing "Humps" by The Black Eyed Peas in a very thick spanish accent. I think I know how the rest of this day is going to go...


Eliza said...

oh that is tacky.

Eliza said...

says ashley....

@emllewellyn said...

Why is your life so amusing?!!

Alli Easley said...

Ashley - I call you Eliza all the time anyway.

Laurie - isn't it though?

Em - If you call looking out your window while you do the dishes amusing, then my life is a regular circus act!

K. H. said...

mee 'ompz mee 'ompz mee lovelee laidee lompzzz

Alli Easley said...

Nice cockney accent, Kris

@emllewellyn said...

Do animals walk on a tightrope and everything?

Alli Easley said...

Ha, YES!

Ashley O said...

Who wears the tutu in the family?

Ashley O said...

Oh and the red coat with tails and black trim and gold buttons? Top hat anyone?