Monday, December 17, 2007

Sweet Casey

We fell asleep for our typical after-church nap, and this is what I woke up to. He was watching me sleep...stinker.


Lyd said...

HOLF F!! He is so cutie!

Alli Easley said...

HOLF F! Thank you! I'll tell him you said so!!!

-KJ said...

Oh, he is so handsome! What a great shot. Soooooo, you sleep with your camera?

Ashley O said...

HOLF F!!! He's a cutie...always has been. Does he still do his karate breakdancing off of the couch? lol

Alli Easley said...

KJ, actually, I had it on my night stand! I was taking pictures of Harper in the bath with fauxhawk earlier, so I was lucky.

Ash, yes, he still does the kar-ah-tay off the couch. He calls it "Splissin Dossen" because he's...well...he's in our family.

Ashley O said...

that has to be not only the coolest name but the coolest story. You'll see that on my next blog post! he is definitely well part of our family! 100%

Alli Easley said...

haha, I'll go look.

Ashley O said...

well on my nextest post...the one now (ATM) came from the influence of my bank card receipt sitting her next to my computer.

Alli Easley said...

I figured as much.