Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Few Pics For Yous'all

Awesome picture of the evil step-mother at Disney Vault at Downtown Disney. That store is amazing, I want everything in there.

Harper realized that the more you touch stickers the more they stick. Much thanks to Mike for putting them all over his face.

The fountain at Disneyland that scared the crap out of Harper for some reason.

Small World flower display at Disney Vault

Taylor was "the Phantom who loves babies" last Sunday

Harper didn't mind being the Phantom

Dylan was forced to be the Phantom, which he was violently averse to

Harper watching birds with cheeto lips at Downtown Disney last Saturday.


Tirana Tirani said...

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come here and click the adsense link from my site =D


Mandy said...

the pic of harper with all the stickers on his face...is that at rubys diner?? i didnt know there was one close to disneyland...where is it?

-KJ said...

I LOVE the pics! I LOVE the Vault too! Too bad it is too expensive!

Mike Easley said...

Mandy - Yes! There's one in Fullerton next to the Disney Outlet on Orangethorpe and Harbor. Come up, let's do a Ruby's/Downtown Disney day this weekend for serious k?

KJ - I know...I took tons of pics so we can make half the stuff ourselves. Come down, we can have a craft day.
