Friday, April 6, 2007

Let's GO!!! DANG!


Ashley O said...

How exciting!!! I have ALWAYS wanted to sail with none other than the wildest crew that historically sacked the Spanish Main!!!

@emllewellyn said...

I'm going! I'm going! If you can fit yourself into my suitcase I'll sneak all y'all onto the plane.

Note: Let the record show I only typed "all y'all" cuz it looks funny on the screen. I NEVER say it.

Eliza said...

I would love to go....hows bout the last week in april?

Mandy said...

yea taylor will be out of school...come come!!!

-KJ said...

No fair! I just found out that Kev has a retarded bike ride that weekend that he has been training for and had planned forever! I shouldn't say retarded. He is losing weight. I just like Disneyland more than staying home alone for 4 days with kids while the spouse is having a party.

Ashley O said...

word!!! Now I wish I wasn't going to school!!!

i type all y'all or just y'all all the day !

Lyd said...

Oooh! I wanna come! That's when my b-day would be. I should tell my mom that I want to go to DL for my b-day.

Eliza said...

k...that would be a great excuse...ummm reason to go for me! See and mom both need to stop what you are dance and mom the PLAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eliza said...

I'd actually be willing to push it back a weekend so it is the first weekend of May then mom would be done with the play and ash would have to miss school though. Let's think .....

Lyd said...

I actuall told my mom that I wanted to go to Disneyland for my b-day and she was thinking that we should go this week! I'll have to tell her our plan and see what she says.

Eliza said...

k...just so you are prepared....Up until the last week of April the park hours are open till like 11 or midnight (which is way cool)BUT that just means that there are lots of crowds because of spring breaks. Then when may starts it is back to the 9am-8pm hours which of course means smaller crowds hence the shortened hours. BUT you can do whatever you want. I would just like to go please! Oh and if we went like the the 3rd and 4th (is that a thurs. friday?) then my mom could go (since she'll be done with her "last play" right? pshhhttt) and I would kidnap ashley and she'd have to miss a day or two of the first week of spring...that won't hurt her right?

Eliza said...

OH...A-Happy Birth-a-day to You .. A-Happy Birth-a-day to You... A-Happy Birth-a-day dear Jonah Jr! A-Happy Birth-a-day toooo oo oo oo oo oooooooo yooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! (ala Dumbo)

Mandy said...

happy birthday some cake for me!

Lyd said...

Thanks for the info. I'll have to tell my madre! And there's like b-days all around! Happy B-day Jonah!

Eliza said...

i is open from 9-9 the last week in april but not so bad. I didn't really lie I just looked at the wrong days mah bad.

Ashley O said...

Chappy Berfday Jonah Taylor!!!

-KJ said...

You Disneylanders suck. I will actually prolly be in Cali that weekend, but with girlfriends shopping. I don't think I could convince them to swing by DL for a day. I know. What the H is wrong with them! Are they truly friends? Oh well, I guess I have to take my chick weekends when I can get them.

Eliza said...

It's just go spend your money on temporal things while us others go and make memories that are completely priceless and will last us a infinity and beyond.

Ashley O said...

what she said...

-KJ said...


Holy Schmidt said...

Alli, my grandfather was one of the planners/builders of the Pirates fun-fun at Disneyland.

Can I come play?

Alli Easley said...

YES! But you'll have to get on a plane, Mel. And therein lies the problem... ;)

Anonymous said...

Alli girl, when is your birthday?

-KJ said...

April 21

Ashley O said...

yes that is true!

Lyd said...

Pirates is great. That's all I'm gunna say until tomorrow or Friday when I do my new blog.

Eliza said...

SHUT IT!!!!!! (to be sung with hand out and in an opera voice)

Lyd said...


Stacey said...

Happy late birthday.:)