Friday, April 6, 2007


Ok, so we're moving offices this week into a NEW SHINY NEW PLANT/FACILITY/STATE-OF-THE-ART $14.7 million dollar building. Oh its beautiful. And it was totally designed and decorated inside by me...thank goodness its almost over. I'll post pics next week!

Anyway, for your enjoyment, first, here's one happy swedish baby who thinks the sound his dad makes that copies the microwave is hilarious...and don't forget to click this link for one UNhappy child, not unlike Eric Taylor Nelson was as a child and Spencer is growing up to be. (Also, here's the remix of "BLOOD", but first, the happy one. (don't forget to watch the crazy "BLOOD!" kid first):




Ashley O said...

bokay!!! so i am sitting in the computer lab (suprise?) and I have no way of hearing that BLOOD video but i watched it anyway!!! holy funny! i could read his mouth but i wish i could hear it! cute stuff!

Alli Easley said...

Aw! He is super cute. I love scared kids yo

Ashley O said...

yes...hence why taylor and I chased Tiff around the Gowan house wearing the infamous Scream mask and a motorcycle helmet. I thought she was going to die of fright!

p.s. i just received a text from Breann Hewitt that reads: "We tied for first! WE ARE 7 TIME NATIONAL CHAMPS! THREE-PEAT IN A ROW!" Yay!

Ashley O said...

oh that is regarding the BYU Cougarettes!!! (not to be called Cougs for heaven sakes!!!!!!!)

-KJ said...

Hey, are you saying there is no hope for my kid?!!! Oh well, I'll just scare him lots so I can laugh. That is payback enough for the tantrums. I love the dancing in place when you jump around a corner and scream. Totally worth cleaning up the pee.

Ashley O said...

so i just finally watched it and I LOVE IT!!!

Lyd said...

Scaring people is the best. One of my favorites is my roomie Michelle. I love her scream. This last week I dressed up in a gorilla suit and jumped out and grabbed her. Of course she screamed her head off, but it wasn't until she actually saw that I was a gorilla that she started the hard core screaming...and punching and pushing. Hahaha I love doing crap like that.

Eliza said...

so you just have a gorilla suit lying around?

Lyd said...

No. I went over to my FHE bros to have him do me a favor involving to prank and he asked me exactly what I was doing. So I told him that I was just gunna dress in all black, but then he said that he had a gorilla suit that I could use instead. So they are the ones that just had the gorilla suit lying around, prolly for that very reason. Thank goodness because it would have been lame if I was just in black.

-KJ said...

Member that nasty smoker face mask my dad used to wear? Yikes!

Alli Easley said...

oh yes that was the sweetest mask in the world, seriously. Where is that thang?

Lyd said...

As I can remember,and my mom, Joe was the last person to have it. So who knows!

Tiffany said...

I love that little boy!His laugh is sooo cute. I want to bring him home!

Stacey said...

Where in the world do you find this stuff? (Blood) Eeee I hate be scared...